stefanogabbana: "@GiovanniZane: #MADONNA in London last night with an amazing Miss Sicily bag by @dolcegabbana! @stefanogabbana" Yay, we love it when Madge smiles!
justinbieber: "RT @iSmileForBieb @justinbieber it's impossible to get a reply from you.. :( = No it's not :)" One tweet, and iSmileForBieb's life is complete.
NylonMag: "First Look: Amy Winehouse wearing her own @FredPerryNews clothes!" Talented singer and tabloid-target turned designer! We're just glad to see that Winehouse is healthy and productive again.
rackedny: "Happy weekend! Here's your Drunk Shopping itinerary:" Totally unrelated to the above tweet. Unintentional placement, really.
LaurenConrad: "At a cafe in New Orleans and just spotted "Alligator Corndog" on the menu..." Mmm, hope you saved some for the rest of us!