bryanboy: "http://twitpic.com/ixywq - We have laptops in front of our seats!" There's nothing like arriving to a front-row seat at Dolce & Gabbana and finding a laptop already there to let you know that you've made it as a blogger. Or, you know, that you have a tweeting problem.
JakandJilBlog: "i thought i was sitting next to mario testino but when he saw that he was seated next to a blogger, he got up and left :(" Sadface, indeed. Team Tommy!
ELLEUK: "Anna Wintour is taking Roger Federer to the Prada show. He's in a grey suit. She's in python." Of course Anna's dressed to kill, and Federer's dressed to love (heh?).
courtneylover79: ") sometimes @cltranslated says what i mean to say in twatease.since im longwinded and sometimes feel scared and feral i dont do safe amusing" CLTranslated delivers a much needed service to the incomprehensible Courtney Love Tweets. We hope she starts feeling less...feral.
katyperry: "went to pick up a new electronic pocket dictionary (big fan of words and their meaning) I asked to get it bedazzled... am I CRAZY? Yes." You mean, indubitably, right?
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