lulamag: "Oh we are busy bees but there is a light at the end of the tunnel (and rainbows too)... New issue almost done http://twitpic.com/f3wxx" Anyone else not surprised that Lula's "To Do" list is written in crayon?
COACD: "updated fashion calendar out.....but im not fwding....." Pretty please, with a Loubie on top?
StyleCaster: "The Aldridges are in town, Style Casting up a storm" Hope you stocked enough denim and It-Shoes for the duo.
bryanboy: "i mean literally, her hair looks like a chipotle burrito" We were trying to pick one Miss Universe tweet from Bryan, but all of them made us LOLIRL. So this is a random one. Still funny. (And accurate)
dizzyblazeberg: "Had a techno version of the Golden Girls theme stuck in my head all day: 'Tha-tha-thank you for being a friend-end-end / Travel down down..'" Why do you always inspire Photoshopped mashups?
sarahcolette: "I went from 18510 messages inbox & 8113 unread 1 month ago to 9484 messages inbox and 0 unread : I feel so good !!! For how long ?" Hoping to get contact high off of Sarah's accomplishment. We haven't felt that good since...3000 messages ago.
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