HuffPostStyle: "Aretha Franklin wore the same dress two nights in a row. Is it any less of a faux pas because she changed her wig?" The wig should be the least of her faux pas worries...
toryburch: "Sunset over La Seine!!" Lovely! We've got winos wandering around West Broadway. Wanna trade?
samantharonson: "Waiting for the car company to deliver my rental thanks to the no depth perception of the guy who let a gate close on my car. I'm HUNGRY!" More like hangry.
cutblog: "Ralph Lauren is about to be $1 billion richer" Someone's not going to have to worry about getting his social security checks on time.
vanityfairmag: "Group Sex With Marilyn Monroe? Attaway, Kennedys!" At least they're keeping it in the family?