ElizandJames: "Wearing some serious footwear right now- the fall '10 STILT. They are more vertical than horizontal... http://twitpic.com/29iryl" Do they come with crutches?
bryanboy: "You know what DESPERATELY needs a revamp in America? IN FLIGHT MAGAZINES! They need to cash in on fashion/have fash sections" Yes, more fashion for sure, as long as they keep Sky Mall exactly the same.
InsideDVF: "They came, they kicked and they conquered the Life Ball! Watch the video of the Rockettes and DVF in Vienna!... http://fb.me/zZVhidNM" Is this real life?
katyperry: "Sometimes I wish I was a twin... Or could make a clone. I need more than 24 hours a day!!! Oy vey. #alotgoingon!!!" Oh the things we'd do to that extra few hours in a day... we'd sleep so hard during them.
kanyewest: "The album is no longer called "Good Ass Job" I'm bouncing a couple of titles around now" Knowing Kanye and his ego, it's probably titled "Greatest Ass Job" by now.