Modelinia: "Stop whatever you're doing to watch this new Chanel video with Lara Stone -- http://bit.ly/8YgFGR" Karl Lagerfeld shot it. Guess who's the male protagonist. No, really. Guess. ...You're right!
danny_roberts: "Wow! yes! so funny ha RT @bunnyBISOUS Omygolly, Danny! Is that your illustration up on the Perez Hilton header? Oox http://twitpic.com/tvffv" Feel like this latest subject might have been Danny's biggest diva yet.
LHearst: "BlackBerry email isn't going through. What is the world coming to?! People will actually have to dial a # and talk to a person?! :-O" Did you hear that BB users? The world is punishing you for sending emails. Let us know if you want a call from us reading our daily newsletter aloud to you.
katespadeny: "a tradition from our westchester shop, "wrapping presents with egg nog"" Sounds messy. And how to you adhere a bow onto eggnog?
papermagazine: "'Tis the season when we use 'tis instead of it's. (via @friedmanjon)" 'Tis true!