Twitter Troll: Fake Sasha Pivovarova, Demarchelier Takes The Tube, And Same Sex Marriage Legalized In D.C.

rackedny: "The Alice in Wonderland windows are up at Bloomingdale's:" Commence the Alice hysteria. 2 days until the release!
CathyHorynNYT: "I just saw Sasha P up at Lanvin during fittings and she said it's not her doing the tweets under her name. Boyo, the nerve people have." Boyo, indeed. Imagine if it happened to you! Oh wait...
henryholland: "Almost entirely positively convinced that I was just on the tube with Patrick Demarchelier. Wanted to ask why he did the mariah video..." Remind us to take the tube everywhere next time we're in London. Patrick and Henry in the same car? Boyo!
TheEllenShow: "Same-sex marriage was legalized this morning in Washington DC - hopefully other parts of the country will follow their lead. Go DC!" We love people here at R29. It's nice to see that more folks are climbing aboard the people-loving bandwagon.
StyleListSays: "Apparently, everyone is dying their hair lavender. via @stylelistsays #hair" We suddenly have a sharp craving for cotton candy...
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