Modelinia: "@danny_roberts turned his pumpkin into a supermodel! Check out his Coco Rocha pumpkin -- http://retwt.me/1FPWe" Our triangle-eyed pumpkin is jealous.
stefanogabbana: "I'm on tweeter.......finally!!!" Weelcome to tweeter, Steefano!
stefanogabbana: "Who follow me?" We follows you!
SHOWstudio: "http://twitpic.com/ndoxz - Has fruit ever been the subject of such heated debate?! One of those controversial leather strawberries at YSL" The battle of the tomato species was one for the books.
COACD: "last night was night of ex's at the @openingceremony party....ex interns, ex obsessions, ex boyfriends, ex friends. the holidays has begun." How ex-acting! (We're allotted one really bad joke a day. This one is it.)
pitchforkmedia: "OMFG: A birthday cake shaped like Lil Wayne's head!!! Made for Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger's daughter!!! http://bit.ly/2ZhtcI" We wonder if mini strippers and dollar bills pop out when you cut it.