katespadeny: "love @ginnybranch's round up of razzling and dazzling shoes http://ginnybranch.blogspot.com/2010/11/twinkle-toes." If we click our heels three times will those be transported home?
rumineely: "
The toothpaste I bought in Spain tastes like Band Aids and licorice. I hope it's actually toothpaste." Our crystal ball says it might be time to purchase a Spanish-to-English dictionary.
MarcJacobsInt: "Happy Birthday to our web manager Daniel. Without him none of our facebook, twitter, website would be possible. http://yfrog.com/emdewmxj" Happy Birthday: and thank you, dear Daniel, for hooking us up.
@VieLuxe: "Winnnndyyy.. Need some marbles in my hem." We thinks ye may be on to something.
marieclaire: "Jay-Z's book came out yesterday. Anyone plan on reading it? http://ow.ly/3buXf" Is there a Cliff's Notes?