racked: "These trousers can really only be described as "hand-crotch pants," and they could be yours for just $392: http://bit.ly/6ERS3C" Perfect for those genie types who like to look like they're being molested by Mickey Mouse from behind.
wmag: "Lord help us. Our site is all messed up! There are (fake?) stories from GQ on our home page. We are not happy. http://www.wmagazine.com/" Tech problems are always sad news. But, we're pretty tickled at seeing basketball and the term "smoking hot" on the W homepage.
Modelinia: "Check out the 1st issue of the @Forever21_tweet magazine we teased and see our mention on page 40! Thanks F21! -- http://tinyurl.com/yb3r9pm" Click through for a peek at the first issue of the Forever21 magazine and spreads of your favorite style bloggers!
selectism: "Phoenix - '1901′ Acoustic http://bit.ly/6ja3jS" You're welcome!
susiebubble: "Nicholas Kirkwood sale...go go go.... lots to be bought!!" Fashion people might not be runners, bikers, or mountain climbers—but when it comes to the athletic feats associated with sample sales, you better bring your Powerade because we're taking you out.