MissDK: "Behati and me backstage with our baby. There is a puppy here for pink but will go back to it's mommy soon I hope;) http://pic.gd/26b279" We don't know which of the three is cutest.
cutblog: "Very sad news today: 20-year-old model Daul Kim is dead. She will be missed. http://bit.ly/50Gbh" We're heartbroken at R29 and will forever miss Daul's grace, infectious laughter, and wide-eyed observations. RIP Daul.
themoment: "Barbershops are the new salons. There, we said it. http://bit.ly/2ZvfiP" But what about the un-bearded set?
JakandJilBlog: "backstage at the victoria's secret show and there's no other place i'd rather be :D" *Cue rainbow sparkle jingling music*
Grazia_Live: "Pringles definitely taste as good as skinny feels. In fact, the blue ones taste MUCH better than skinny feels." The same exact thought crossed our minds this morning as we were chomping on French macaroons. Kate Moss? Suck it.