Twitter Troll: Heroin Diets, Sarcasm Fonts, and Dazed Gets a Clown Car

harleyvnewton: " - Back at the Tom Binns studio!" Every time I visit he's made something even better. So preeetttyyyyyyyy.
papermagazine: "Health tips for addicts looking to gain weight. A mother's question." Step one: Stop gorging on druggies. Step two: Start gorging on twinkies.
DazedMagazine: "#howmanypeople do you think can fit in the Dazed smart car?" Still waiting for the punchline...
ByrdieBell: "It's morning again in America (Reagan's election campaign 1984 slogan)" Our favorite campaign slogan is still "Laura Ingalls Wilder is God"
cutblog: "Director @rjcutler noted that at the Sept. Issue premiere, Anna was wearing Prada. "RESORT," scoffed one fashion ed in the back row, loudly." I think our collective eyerolls were so loud they were audible.
fakekarl: "I'm not a folk singer" Another clue into fakekarl's identity. Crossing off Peter, Paul and Mary from our list of suspects.

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