Fashionista_com: "jcrew aw10 -- even better than expected! http://tweetphoto.com/16713461" Check out the furry bag!
theselby: "Bill Gates toilet just sent me an email." Jealous. All we've gotten was a dirty text message from his toaster.
StyleListSays: "Even fashionable folks like a good laugh on #Aprilfools. A round-up of the laughs: http://bit.ly/csWdvp" While we'd like to think our joke wins first prize, the In-N-Out in Manhattan and Bieber or Die pranks were too good.
HanneliM: "with @Mrstreetpeeper licking sun at the terrace at J Crew mens enjoying the view of very well dressed men." Heaven on Earth.
johnjannuzzi: "I love these first spring days, everybody is sun stoned and in a good mood." Except those of us still stuck inside. One more hour until we're saved by the bell!