Twitter Troll: LaForce is Le Fooding, Oprah is Hov-ing, and We’re Flipping Out for Choo’s Light-Up Shoes

mrjoezee: " - How #MAJOR are these new Choos? And ps: when you walk the plexiglass heel lights up." These are going to replace the giant hole that was left when we threw away our velcro, light-up sneakers.
models: "Versace is looking very Palm Beach cougars gone wild this season. The patterns on those suits... I'm cackling." "Mrs. Robinson, why are your heels so high?" "The better to see the boys with, my dear."
DitaVonTeese: "At the airport, lured in by the "fresh juice" sign, I found myself in a pub filled with guys starting their bachelor party weekend. Ugh." Sadly, this might be the closest anyone gets to having Dita perform at their bachelor party.
highsnobiety: "Jay-Z freestyles with Oprah..." Placing bets now: What are the chances that Jay-Z will loop Oprah's "JAAYY-ZZ!" salutation in his next single?
LaForce_Stevens: "le fooding tonight!" We're hoping this "le fooding" business isn't some special, once-in-a-blue-moon occasion.
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