fashionologie: "Marc Jacobs Didn't Get Married After All http://www.fashionologie.com/6924308" A rehearsal wedding with a real cake and wedding guests? Perhaps someone should get Marc on one of those Bridal Wars shows.
fiercegrandma: "The number of compliments I have receieved on my Balmain fisherman's (-person's?) pant indicate to me that this silhou is here to stay" Straight from Bonnie Morrison: Fisherperson Silhouettes, Hot for 2010!
styledotcom: "If it's good enough for cattle, then this beauty treatment is good enough for you: http://bit.ly/6Hc6tL" We can only imagine the tagline: "Look Bovine Fine and Udderly Cowriffic!"
stefanogabbana: "Cake on plane....." Stefano Gabbana, the Samuel L Jackson of fashion.
StyleListSays: "Yummy or gross? Collagen Marshmallows & Cheesecake. http://bit.ly/6m7kPE @stylelistsays" Do. Not. Want.