henryholland: "cannot handle how they display their products.... http://bit.ly/1yTFVz" They're might cr-ass, non?
solangeknowles: "And the old drunk homeless guy at gas station told me in a nice slurred voice "u finnne as wine"" At least he was comparing you to one of his apparent loves.
KimmyStolz: "Maine is NOT for lovers. How embarrassing." And that's the truth.
beckadiamond: "Getting ready to shoot at my apt with @refinery29, so excited!" Stay tuned for our My Style spot with Ms. Becka Diamond!
iamMarkRonson: "I apologize for showing my vampire-white behind, I misheard GQ were instituting their 1st annual Best Half-Dressed Awards. Apparently untrue" If there was a Best Half-Undressed Awards, know that Mark Ronson would be the only one showing up in a top and no bottoms.