models: "http://twitpic.com/mhzcm - This is purely personal preference but this image should have been the cover of November Vogue Paris." We're pretty sure that the same guy who Photoshopped this photo did Vogue's November cover.
designmilk: "Cheesiest Pick-Up Lines For A Graphic Designer: http://bit.ly/WDmMj - I die. I. Die." #30, Show me your .tiffs
carolhan: "Hello Summer. Welcome back. Can you stay awhile?" Better yet, can you phone up Fall and tell that idiot that we had fun during that one weekend he was around.
cutblog: "The Olsens are doing a juniors' collection for JCPenney. This might actually be kind of awesome http://bit.ly/18nVxn" Oh, thank god.
KimmyStolz: "Just got registered as a kaplan SAT and LSAT tutor!!! Any high schoolers need help?? Bring em to meeee...." From MTV VJ to SAT tutor, Kim's always helpin' out the kids. We're pretty sure there's going to be some major "hot teacher" ish going on.