CFDA: "And who wouldn't want to celebrate our fantastic CFDA President!? DVF is shown the love by Vogue Italia's Franca..." A more glamorous photo op never did exist.
evachen212: "I feel like such a magazine editor stereotype, rolling up to Chanel in an black Escalade w tinted windows." Alright, alright, we're jealous already.
THEMISSHAPES: "just arrived in PARIS! already working on final edit of @zac_posen show music for thursday! going to be MAJOR!" *Pronounced MAY-JAH, or course.
MissKellyO: "off to the torture chamber aka the gym!!!!" Do some sit ups for us, will you?
vanityfairmag: "Guy Renting Rahm Emanuel's Chicago House Refuses to Leave" Standing up against Emanuel? That must be some house.