Twitter Troll: Ridonkeykong Weather, The Meat Ball, And Handbags Having Drinks

BatGiovanna: "Is summer time! Even the Handbags having aperitif outside at the bar in milan :-)))" O, that we were a seat below that bag...

fuggirls: "Oh my God, please, someone, host a Meat Ball. -H RT @kristinagill @fuggirls I keep reading Meat Ball coverage..." Why don't we see if Hamma Wintour is interested?

StanDarde: "Ooooh!!! I love the new wallpaper in the hallway @StandardNY!!! Is that you in there?" Can you imagine papering a wall in your apartment with this? Awesome.
GQdotcom: ""Klingon is the Gold Standard": A brief conversation with the guy who created the Na'vi language. #avatar" In case you're like us and feeling particularly nerdy this afternoon.
ByrdieBell: "It's on like Donkey Kong! @HilaryHRhoda #sixflagsmorefun #funnelcakefriday" We agree. It's the perfect day to go to an amusement park. The weather is ridonkeykong.

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