racked: "Moschino might just have the best holiday window yet: http://bit.ly/6L9YyV" We'd give up the entire contents of our stockings just to listen in on what's ailing The Big Guy.
elle_com: "ELLE Quote of the Day: "I never thought I'd land in pictures with a face like mine." -Audrey Hepburn" The next time we go back in time and somehow find ourselves with the opportunity to befriend Audrey Hepburn, please stop us. She'd be that girl who'll always tell you she feels fat in her dress.
OAKNYC: "our lux version of the best-selling OAK classic - black label cashmere drop crotch sweats: http://bit.ly/4NP5Os available for women soon too" We dare you to find a pair of pants that sound comfier than these do.
NylonMag: "Glitter mascara returns! Will you wear it? http://tinyurl.com/nylonglittermascara" Only if what we're wearing it to doesn't require us to blink.
glamourdotcom: "Want to see some awesome-ly BAD wedding and bridesmaid dress pics? We know you do! Check 'em out here. http://bit.ly/6QwVqW" This is what we like to call a Twitter Twap (no actual brides or bridesmaids, but click through to see hottie Susan Cernek in a frumpy pink frock).