DitaVonTeese: "http://twitpic.com/klyut - My Lloyd's of London disability contract should have stated that I'm not allowed to wear shoes like this....(Galliano!)" All our ankles just instantaneously snapped from just looking at those.
solangeknowles: "stoo- d- oh go in goot todae" speling iz hard, wee no.
womensweardaily: "Everyone's finally under Galliano's leaky roof. Suzy Menkes is sitting front row with her umbrella open, waiting for the show to start." Gah! Open umbrellas indoors! Bad luck! Or something! Like! That!
HanneliM: "Igor + André has drawed a pictures of me, very nice!! RT @tweetmeme Hanneli Mustaparta | Igor + André http://retwt.me/DtrG" Is it just us or does Hanneli sound like Borat?
ByrdieBell: "Will some steal a NY Lottery Sweet Million bunny poster off of the subway for me? I'm obsessed with them but too scared to do it myself" The surprising thing here, isn't that socialite Bell is advocating illegal activities, but rather that she takes the subway. Atta girl!
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