styledotcom: "CUTE OVERLOAD: Brad Koenig and his 2-year-old son walk the Chanel runway (oh, and PS, we've got all the Chanel pics):" Wook at his widdle Chanel jacket!
fuggirls: "BEFORE Fashion Week? WILL NO ONE THINK OF THE STYLISTS?! - J RT @redcarpet Could the Oscars really move to January?" We think Rachel Zoe might actually die over this news.
lurvemagazine: "At v magazine party courtney love live next to karl and baptiste" That's a trinity of outrageousness if we've ever heard of one.
AlchimieForever: "if shopbop was an actual store, i would probably never leave it" There is a store--you just have to go to Wisconsin to find it!
ITSJEREMYSCOTT: "@kanyewest @MissKellyO@solangeknowles THANKZ BEING SUCH GREAT FRIENDS & THE WONDERFUL COMPLIMENTS ON MY WORK!!!" You forgot to mention the Wonder Girls!!! ^__^