Most New Year’s resolutions are restrictive (“I will not drink four margaritas on a school night”) or run-of-the-mill self-improvement pledges (“I will run a mile every day") — they're rarely ever just plain old fun. Think about it: Who can say they resolved to find the perfect pair of jeans or a show-stopping date dress in 2012? And really, why not?
This year, thanks to Urban Chic’s “New Year, New You” weeklong event series, you can cross off some of those sartorial to-dos with minimal guilt. And maybe even a real sense of accomplishment. Each day this week, you can snag a new budget-friendly discount or freebie at one (or all) of Urban Chic's stores, which means treating yourself feels less self-indulgent and more — dare we say it? — financially savvy.
Need to update your denim stock? Enjoy a personal fitting and 20% off all non-sale styles today. Looking to liven up your winter uniform? All scarves, jewelry, and shoes at Urban Chic's Baltimore shop are 20% off on Tuesday. On Wednesday, get a smart head start on your Valentine’s Day outfit with 20% off cocktail dresses from Diane von Furstenberg, Rebecca Taylor, Milly, and more. If you vowed to forgo wardrobe frivolities, Thursday’s promotion at the Bethesda location will support any fitness-related goals: Shop the Apifeni Activewear trunk show and snag an Equinox gym consultation. The week-long celebration caps off with the key ingredient to any party — bottomless champagne on Saturday and Sunday. Cheers!
When: Today, January 16 through Sunday, January 22.
Where: All Urban Chic locations.
Where: All Urban Chic locations.
Photo: Courtesy of Urban Chic/Kellie Ethington