Most of us dream about waking up in Paris to shop the Rues for to-die-for French fashion, but dreams are looking more like reality. Parisien designer Vanessa Bruno is setting up shop in West Hollywood. Starting July 26 (you heard it here first!), after perusing the racks at Marc Jacobs and APC, you can saunter over to Bruno's first stateside boutique and enjoy the dreamy silk jumpsuits and hand-crafted, lace, Victorian shirts that we all drooled over on the runway. Stay tuned for coverage of the grand opening in October with a super-fashionable surprise performance (we're sworn to secrecy!), but for now, take a red pen to your calendar. With Bruno herself in the crowd, this is one store opening you will not want to miss.
Vanessa Bruno, 8448 Melrose Avenue (at North Croft Avenue).