Ladies and gentleman, introducing the brand new and improved Vena, that is. It features that signature Vena Cava funky charm, and you can explore Facebook and Pinterest, too. (Vena Cava)
For tonight only, you can find out what not to wear from Stacy London herself. The master of classic style will be at the Trina Turk boutique for a book signing from 7 to 9 p.m. (Trina Turk)
If you're anything like, well, anybody, you're a sucker for holiday fun. Local boutique Owen is pulling out all the festive stops for this Saturday's soiree. From 2 to 4 p.m., there'll be cookies, a hot cocoa bar, and 50% off. (Owen)
Still procrastinating on your holiday shopping? We've got just the ticket...Brooklyn Flea's annual Gifted market is back for two more weekends, to help with all our vintage and artisan needs. (Brooklyn Flea)
So, we've discussed the possibility of Anna Wintour serving as the British ambassador, but what about Graydon Carter? Turns out the Vanity Fair editor thinks he'd be pretty good at the job, too. (Women's Wear Daily)

Photo: Via Vena Cava