With live music courtesy of LA band, The Like (all clad in Vena Cava, of course), last season's performer Eleanor Friedberger sitting front row, and earplugs nestled on each of our seats, the Vena Cava fall '10 show seemed predestined to rock our world. Half Palm-Beach grandma, half Lower East Side punk, the collection was 100% covetable and filled with just the kinds of pieces we would wear everyday, like wool cloaks, silk crepe jumpsuits, and copper-colored dresses. The frosting on the cake were the stunning little pick-me-ups in the form of jewelry made by London brand, Mawi, which featured deliciously gaudy brass and polished stones that perfectly complemented the mossy, moody grays and blues on the runway. And—disclaimer—if we sound gushy, it's because we are. Vena Cava makes wearable, unpretentious clothing that seems like it was made just for us. And for all you VC fans out there, here's a little sneak-peek at Lisa Mayock's Halloween '10 costume: It involves a microphone, a moving pedestal, and wood printed contact paper. Any guesses?