Venus In Aquarius Is Here – You Need To Channel Its Good Energy

Between February 16 and March 11, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, social graces, money, and creativity, will be orbiting the sign of Aquarius. This is an annual occurrence and it brings about a sense of optimism, friendliness, and sociability as Venus flirts its way through the air sign.
We will want to experiment with relationships, romance, and money. This could even connect us with new friends who share our ideological views. Since Venus in Aquarius makes its own rules, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer or way to communicate with others or how to invest our money. This will be a time in which we will want to seek different perspectives and embrace the unconventional as we use our minds rather than our hearts and matters of love. During this transition, spending time with free thinkers and rule breakers will appeal to our rebel hearts.
Before diving into a serious relationship, or elevating a current one, it’s essential to consider all the factors. Finding unique people with solid intellectual connections is essential, rather than solely focusing on a heart-driven connection. Let’s take our time to blend our emotions with those who are not only friends but also intellectually stimulating. Love can be found with those who push us to think outside the box, admire us for who we truly are, and share our views. 
While Venus’ transit in Aquarius makes us value our independence, we can still be open to committed relationships, seeking partners who respect a need for freedom within the relationship. Love doesn’t have to be a serious and binding connection; it can be met with lightheartedness and enjoyment. The crucial factor is a mutual desire to support and work with one another, which can lead to tenderness once trust is established. Venus in Aquarius seeks a companion who can be their confidante, share moments of joy and be a support system during times of distress. Venus in Aquarius values the qualities of a best friend who can make them laugh and offer a shoulder to cry on at the same time.
Venus in Aquarius possesses an expansive love that extends beyond its romantic relationship. Its spirit of generosity towards others is unconditional as this placement strives to bring people together and uplift them from despair. It holds a strong sense of community and makes us passionate about advocating for themselves and others. Venus in Aquarius takes pride in participating in charitable work and protest movements that align with their values. It is a supporter of the underdog and is always willing to lend a sympathetic ear to those in need of help.
If you’re experiencing a Venus return, when Venus aligns with the sign and degree of one’s birth, you can expect a lot of good luck coming your way. It’s a great time to re-evaluate relationships and renew commitments to loved ones. This period also offers an opportunity to work on self-confidence and self-esteem. For those experiencing a Venus in Aquarius return, this time will be characterized by an influx of positive energy and a surge in popularity. Enjoy the moment! 
This year, Venus in Aquarius will have a more intense effect than its usual aloofness, as it will be aspecting Pluto and Mars. This will bring about a lot of sexy energy and make partnerships feel intoxicating. Although, we need to be careful not to misuse our power to control others. If we channel the full potential and good energy of this transit, we can revolutionize our love life and expectations in romance, and also contribute towards making the world a better place with TLC. The choice is yours to make. 

Important astrological dates:

February 16: Venus enters Aquarius, making us more logical when it comes to our spending and saving habits.
February 17: Venus and Pluto form a conjunction, this transit can intensify our desires and longing for intimacy. However, it’s important to be mindful of potential conflicts like jealousy and power struggles that may arise in our relationships.
February 22: Venus and Mars unite, taking us back to March 6 2022, when they connected in the same sign. This is a time in which we will be asserting ourselves and wanting to understand others on a soulful level.
February 24: Venus squares Jupiter, expanding our hearts and popularity.
February 29: Venus harmonizes with the nodes of destiny, bringing fated connections our way today. It’s a wonderful time for a first date or to ask for a raise. 
March 3: Venus aspects Uranus, empowering individuals to express their authentic selves and establish relationships based on their personal preferences. Also, urging us to fight against injustices in the world.

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