Yes, yes — there was that whole, big brouhaha when Victoria's Secret sent Karlie Kloss down the runway at its fashion show in a ceremonial Native American headdress (the brand is totes sorry 'bout that, guys.) But we don't think they'll have to apologize at all about this cultural appropriation.
The Anime News Network — which some of us read — has noticed that Victoria's Secret dressed up the beautiful Jourdan Dunn in a leather outfit that bares more than a passing resemblance to that of Rei Ayanami, a character from the Japanese series Neon Genesis Evangelion. The resemblance isn't exact, but check the green splash on the halter, the elbows, the number of stripes, and the knee, erm, detailing.
In case you didn't know — and our market research suggests you don't — Rei Ayanami is a shy, withdrawn teen who occasionally pilots a giant robot and defends Tokyo from evil aliens. So, there's that. Again, we don't see any trouble coming from this little cultural mashup. Unlike Kloss' headdress, this tribute in leather should please not only Neon Genesis Evangelion's copyright holders (free publicity, yo) and Anime aficionados but millions of panting fanboys who have suddenly had their fantasies come to life, as well. It's all about knowing your audience, folks. (Anime News Network)
Photo Credits: Victoria's Secret/Good Smile Company