Visually Biased, Sex-Doll Hoodies, and Kenley is a Free Woman

daisy-lowe-id-mag.jpgAs every month, our lives are made that much easier by The Cut's best-and-worst fashion editorial round-up. (The Cut)
Some industrious fellow has grafted blow-up sex dolls onto track suits. Each dawn breaks with new possibilities. Each day delivers new wonders. (Flavorwire)
Combine vision impairment with laminated woods and a dollop of racism and you've got Slanties. (Shine)
On the subject of obsured views, if you want to make Kanye, Beyoncé, and Lady Ga Ga green with envy, pick up a pair of these chain-mail specs. (Hypebeast)
Arlo Weiner, the littlest dandy, has upped the ante with a monocle. Well played, sir. (Racked)
Kenley Collins is roaming the streets. Make sure not to piss her off and whatever you do, don't let her catsit for you. (The Cut)

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