Where To Volunteer In L.A. This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, rather than nurse that turkey hangover with Real Housewives reruns and Tums, why not put that time to great use and volunteer? Every Angeleno should have the chance to enjoy a hot meal this Thursday, so you better believe we're donating plates of our aunt's homemade sweet-potato pudding in addition to spare sheets and towels. Every little bit helps, and it's super simple to do your part — just take a peek at these five charity events and sign up, stat!

Food On Foot
On any given Sunday in Hollywood, you'll find an army of angels delivering food to the needy — and to think, it all started from the trunk of the founder's car! Plus, get this: All it takes for Food On Foot to feed one homeless person is $4.60 (that includes a two-piece chicken meal, granola bar, multiple items of fruit, and more!), talk about making every penny count! And, just because Thanksgiving doesn't fall on a Sunday, doesn't mean these folks are missing out. Register for Thursday's event and hundreds of hungry mouths will thank you.


L.A. Regional Foodbank
Although rice, beans, and peanut butter aren't typical Thanksgiving fare, they're the pantry items that the L.A. Regional Foodbank could use more of. Donate any unopened eats (canned grub is alway appreciated!), this Thursday, or sign up to help sort the food, making it even easier for volunteers to distribute the much-needed meals. Don't forget to use the organization's pantry locator to find the closest center.

Westside Thanksgiving
Staring bright and early at 6 a.m., Westside Thanksgiving kicks off its annual feast, complete with a children's carnival. From coat checks to cooks to servers and everything in between, this community event is always looking for new locals to take part. And, if you're not a morning person, sign up for the afternoon shift and help the group load up the leftovers and take down the decorations once the guests leave.

Gobble Gobble Give
Help those less fortune get their thanks on by hitting up this year's Gobble Gobble Give event at the The Echo Nightclub or The Raven Spa in Santa Monica. Just don't forget to pack one pre-cooked dish, five small toiletry kits, and any new or gently used clothing or blankets and arrive at 10 a.m. sharp. Plus, if you've got friends in far places (NYC, Las Vegas, Austin, and S.F. to be specific), tell them to join in on the affair. Can you believe GGG started 10 years ago by a single person? Back then the charity fed 28 homeless people — now, they're responsible for feeding over 1,500.

The Midnight Mission
Skid Row is already a scary place, and we can't image what it must feel like to call that strip home. The Midnight Mission vows to serve 2,500 Thanksgiving meals to children living in the poor DTLA neighborhood, along with many other tools to help the homeless become self-sufficient. Volunteer positions for Thursday are scarce (it's a popular charity, even Jeremy Piven likes to get involved!), but you can provide a Thanksgiving dinner for five by texting TMM to 20222. You'll be charged a grand total of $10, proving that it doesn't take a lot of money to make a lasting impact.

Photo: Via The Midnight Mission

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