Except for all the wailing kids outside the Barbie show (wait, were those celebrities?), Fashion Week was disappointingly low-key. No posters of bloody bunnies, no red-paint hurling, and not even a good old-fashioned sign waver! At this point, we were starting to worry that activism had been recessed. Thankfully pin designer Nicholas Konert abetted our fears. Troubled by the news that Fashion Week was being evicted, Nicholas designed a "Save the Tents" pin in protest. He tried to distribute them, but apparently no one really got it. We're not sure if we do either, given most of our show-going these days seems to be over on 11th Avenue. But at the very least we're happy to know that someone is picking up P.E.T.A.'s slack. And hey, before all that trade-show nonsense took over, the Tents were, once upon a time, cool.