It’s not always easy to give in to your ailing vision, but when that cute guy you’ve been making eyes at across the office turns out to be a plant, it’s time to throw in the towel. Whether you’re a new member of the four-eyed club or an old alum, Warby Parker’s got a pair of frames for you.
The online do-gooder organization known for their ‘buy a pair, give a pair’ policy (for every pair of specs bought they provide glasses to someone in need) are bringing their vintage inspired creations to our 'hood. Fitting with the company’s sixties style, their new pop-up shop in the East Village is designed to emulate an age-old lobby newsstand. Embracing the geek-chic quality of the frames, the store lets you browse for lenses while pursuing your scholarly desires through racks of vintage books and magazines. So, whether you’re looking for a more classic look, a monocle (yes they have them!), or just something that doesn’t resemble those specs worn in your brace-face, glasses-clad middle school days, stop by the Readery — for all you near-sighters, it'll be that big thing in the lobby of The Standard East Village...which, yes, we can see from our office.
The Standard East Village, 25 Cooper Square (between East 5th and East 6th streets); 212-475-5700.
Photo: Courtesy of Black Frame