R29 is an office full of intimidatingly well-dressed women, sporting every style from trendy Tumblr teen to cashmere-swathed Céline devotee. Still, if you took a poll on "office best dressed," one woman would probably come out on top: the art director who wears — you guessed it! — head-to-toe black. That's all day, every day, year-round. Sometimes with the lipstick to match.
Black as the ultimate in chic may be a fashion cliché at this point, but hey, so is "Thou shalt own a classic trench" — and we still throw on our thrifted Burberrys every gray day in hopes of looking half as cool as Alexa at the airport. And, if you, like us, have spent the past few seasons getting to know neon and perfecting the art of colorblocked jewel tones, maybe it's time to bring it all the way back to basic black.
To inspire you, The Huffington Post has 14 reasons why black is the only color worth wearing, ever. A bold statement, sure — but click through for photographic proof that black is universally flattering, works all year round, and (bonus!) hides any errant food stains like a dream. What other color could make even the snooze-button addict who maybe gets a little overzealous with the hot sauce look so chic? Nothing but black. (The Huffington Post)