That wasn't just rain that blew in with that ill wind this morning. After its launch in Japan the Comme des Garçons for H+M Collection had its long, long, long anticipated New York retail debut today. As many predicted, the lines were long and the buying was as fevered as the surrounding hype (we fully admit to being part of the media wildfire on this one). However, this morning, we looked out our window, sniffed the air, checked our closets, and said, "neh." We decided to leave decided blow-by-blow coverage of the actual crowds at H+Ms around the city was best left to far more capable, bolder, tougher journalists (God bless you, Leslie and Izzy). Perhaps it was exaggeration when someone told Vanity Fair it was, "like piranha in the water," but we prefer to keep our feet dry. We jostle with strangers enough on the subways.