As we told you, one of our faves, jeweler Brian Crumley, is launching his first diffusion line—GUAM: Global United Artisan Movement, by Crumley for Urban Outfitters—which will be crafted by African artisans in Kenya thanks to the Made fair trade design project. What we didn't tell you, what we didn't know, was that Brian first heard about Made on Refinery 29! Seems that when Urban Outfitters sent word they wanted to do a diffusion line with Crumley, he chose Made—which uses recycled and sustainable local materials and provides livelihoods and training to impoverished communities throughout East Africa;for production. Fresh from getting his shots to travel to Nairobi for design development on GUAM's fall line in February, Brian said he's grateful for the chance to give back. We're just happy to helped in some small way.