If you haven't seen Hot Chip live by this point in your life, well, we just pity you. Hot Chip at Terminal 5. (October 3 and 5)
If you're looking for a little rock and champagne, head down to this open-bar event in celebration of a new photobook on the New York Dolls. New York Dolls: Photographs by Bob Gruen Book Launch. (October 3)
Take a cinematic tour through 1960's Paris courtesy of Jean-Luc Godard, Eric Rohmer, Claude Chabrol, and Jean Douchet. Six in Paris at BAM. (October 3 - 9)
Rhythm, harmony, beauty, boldness, gentility—Fleet Foxes has it all. Fleet Foxes at The Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom and Webster Hall. (October 4 and 5)
It's Open House Weekend in New York. Get your lazy ass out there. Open House New York. (October 3 - 5)
Forget Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. If you want the definative take on New York-set films, head to MoMa. Hollywood on the Hudson: Filmmaking in New York, 1920-39 at MoMa. (Ongoing)
It's your last chance to see the inspiring, frightening "After Nature" exhibition, a challenging look into a decimated planet that could, one day, be our own. After Nature at The New Museum. (Ongoing through October 5)