Your Horoscope This Week: June 30 To July 6

June comes to an end this week, cosmic beings, which means we’re entering the seventh month of the year. What a trippy thing time is. That’s going to be a recurring thought this week due to Saturn, the planet that’s associated with being a Master of Time, spending its first full week retrograde in the sign of Pisces. Neptune also begins its retrograde in Pisces on July 2 of this week, so Piscean and Cancerian vibes dominate the cosmos. Mercury’s entrance into Leo on July 2 helps boost our confidence and overall zest for life. 
The days before July 6 are called “the dark of the moon period,” so all zodiac signs are likely to feel moodier and more sensitive during this cycle, and we’d benefit from staying hydrated and taking frequent breaks from technology so that our focus can be on soothing and regulating our nervous systems ahead of the new moon. 
Then once the new moon strikes on Saturday, we have a 10 day window to take advantage of this fertile energy permeating the cosmos. What are you ready to give birth to within the next six months? And how will you commit to nurturing yourself and allowing yourself to be nurtured during this labor and birthing process? 
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, this new moon week will feel deeply emotional for you, in a way that initially may make you uncomfortable. That’s due to all the Cancer transits currently occurring, forcing you to confront family matters that you may have previously brushed under the rug. It’s time to admit to yourself and to others that there are past wounds that still need healing… 
On top of this, you’re experiencing the first full week of Saturn’s retrograde through Pisces, which is activating your sector of spirituality and closure. You may be caught up in waves of nostalgia in the weeks to come, but if you tap into Mercury’s transit through your fellow fire sign of Leo, combined with the Cancer new moon taking place on July 6th, you’ll find ways to turn past sorrows into fuel for future success. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, this new moon week encourages you to speak your truth in a softer and more loving way, and to also beware of passive-aggressive tendencies that you’d benefit from nipping in the bud. Saturn’s current retrograde through Pisces is aiding you when it comes to discovering who your true friends are. It could even lead to a reconciliation or make up with a long lost friend — remain open to pleasant plot twists. 
Once the Cancer new moon strikes on the 6th, the cosmos is giving you the opportunity to be led by your intuitive awareness rather than by practicality. Your desire to pursue more imaginative pursuits intensifies during this new moon portal. What would you like to bring to life within the next six months? Take time this weekend to vividly visualize yourself already there. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, people don’t often take you for the sensitive or emotional type (at least not outwardly), but this week you’re likely to showcase a more vulnerable side of yourself — one that not only shocks people around you, but that also surprises you and enlightens you to your own self. The question now is: do you like what you see? Or are there parts of yourself you’re longing to evolve or transform? 
Once the Cancer new moon strikes on the 6th, your sector of money and security is activated, and you’ll feel motivated to reflect on ways to up your money game over the course of the next six months. A lot of what you’re currently doing to make money might feel fun, but it may not be consistent. This is the opportunity to tap into what your soul feels the most consistently lit up by. It’s time to commit to your long-term generational security. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, it’s a very special week for you as the Cancer new moon strikes on the 6th. But in the days before this new moon, you’re likely to feel quite moody, private, and introspective. The dark of the moon period is an ultra sensitive time for you, and you may need to isolate yourself from others so as to not take in all their drama or expectations. Use Mercury’s entrance into Leo on the 2nd to allow yourself to be more selfish and set the necessary boundaries. 
Once your annual new moon strikes this weekend, have fun reimagining all the possibilities for who you can blossom into these next six months. It’s definitely growing season, and your spiritual strengths are amplified thanks to Jupiter’s  current transit through Gemini. When combined with this new moon energy, you’re likely to have prophetic dreams about what’s to come in the very near future. Act as if those dreams have already manifested, and soon you’ll see that they have. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, with Mercury entering your sign on the 2nd, your mental aptitudes will sharpen this week, allowing you to start off the month of July on a confident and empowered note. But you may also feel more stubborn and inflexible during this transit, which will last for a longer than usual period due to Mercury retrograde taking place in your sign next month. Use this transit to shoot your shot, but remember to do so with grace and not from an overly egocentric place. 
This weekend’s Cancer new moon occurs in your sector of spirituality and solitude, and this lunation is likely to remind you of the power of being your own best friend and tending to your deepest needs. Have a journaling or crying sesh with yourself and write down intentions for ways you can better nurture your spiritual well-being over the course of the next six months. 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, now that Saturn is retrograde in your opposite sign of Pisces, you’re being asked to take other people’s needs into consideration, while also making sure you’re not taking on their drama or resentments. There’s a thin line between being there for someone because you love them, and others treating you like a doormat because you let them. With so many Water sign transits going on, you may find it challenging to stand your ground, but Mars’ current transit through your fellow earth sign of Taurus may help you find solid footing. 
This weekend, the Cancer new moon strikes in your sector of friendship and social networks. If you’ve been meaning to expand your social circle and make new friends, this is the ideal new moon for setting intentions regarding your ideal social life, and calling in people who genuinely want to see you thrive. Make sure that you have the capacity to be that type of friend for others, too. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, this week’s cosmic energy serves as an opportunity for you to relax, do less, and mellow out. With Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility, spending its first week retrograde in Pisces, your sector of health and wellness is activated, and you may feel like you need to hibernate for several months. The south node is in your sign, deepening your capacities to spend time with yourself without succumbing to codependent patterns, and as a result your spiritual growth is increasing daily. 
The Cancer new moon on July 6 helps you become more intuitively aware of your next steps professionally. You may suddenly decide to quit your job or start a business, even if you previously were satisfied with the path you were on. This new moon has a six-month manifestation period, so don’t feel like you have to overhaul every aspect of your career at once, Libra. Pace yourself and have fun daydreaming about what’s possible beyond the status quo. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, everything is shifting for the better for you this new moon week. But sometimes, sudden transformations can feel like a form of death — particularly if you’ve been resistant to that change. In the days prior to the new moon, you’ll start to sense ways that your desire to be in control is pushing away the process of rebirth that’s trying to make its way through your consciousness, especially now that Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility, is retrograde in your sector of fate, true love, and dreams. Which long lost dreams are you aiming to reunite with? 
You’ll start answering this question this weekend once the Cancer new moon strikes in your sector of expansion, travel, media, publishing, and philosophy. This is the lunation you needed to get out of your head and let your instincts lead the way. You’ve been overthinking your professional and creative journey, but now is the time to tune into your higher self and trust that deep down, all the answers you seek are already within you. Get ready to embark on a profound metamorphosis these next six months. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, Saturn is spending its first full week retrograde in your sector of the home, past, and your roots. You may feel a strong desire to connect with your ancestors during this retrograde, particularly since Neptune, the Planet of Fantasy, begins its retrograde on the July 2, also in the sign of Pisces. If you haven’t yet taken the time to create an ancestral altar, this is your sign to do so. If you already have one, replenish the water and give more offerings to your spirit guides this week. 
The Cancer new moon on the 6th activates your sector of depth, merging, and outside resources. If you’ve been wanting to apply for a scholarship, loan, or grant, take time this weekend to begin the process of doing so, as you’ll have the lucky touch, and the seeds you plant around this new moon are likely to serve your evolution for the next six months and beyond. Make sure to cultivate a sense of discernment regarding who gets access to your magic and why. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, a softer and more patient side of you is emerging this week due to your ruler Saturn being freshly retrograde in your sign. You’re realizing that some of the challenges you were stressed out about at the start of June suddenly don’t seem as major now that a new month is upon us. This change in perspective is due to the recent Cap full moon that helped you drop the dead weight, and since we’re going to experience a second full moon in your sign on July 21, you’re particularly poised for calling in immense change in a step by step way. 
But remember, Capricorn, you don’t have to embark on this journey alone… This weekend’s Cancer new moon is an invitation for you to stay close to your people and make sure they’re aware of how grateful you are that they’re in your life. If you feel lonely or misunderstood, use this new moon to set intentions for who you’d like to call into your life within the next six months. Romantic prospects are likely to emerge due to the sun and Venus’ presence in Cancer this week, so put yourself out there and let love in. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, how are you flowing now that your planetary ruler Saturn is retrograde in Pisces? This is an ideal week for resting and taking part in self-care activities rather than rushing to an imaginary finish line. The dark of the moon period is quite intense for you to navigate, and if you don’t invest in taking care of your body and spirit before this week’s new moon occurs, you’ll end up snapping at everyone around you and not that pleasant to be around. 
Once the Cancer new moon strikes this Saturday the 6th, your sector of health and wellness is activated, and your desire to take better care of yourself inside and out is accentuated. Since Pluto is currently retrograde in your sign, you may feel inspired by activities or physical hobbies you did as a child — this is an ideal time to pick them back up and rediscover how great they made you feel. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, with Saturn spending its first full week retrograde in your sign, and your ruler Neptune beginning its retrograde in your sign on the 2nd, give yourself permission to just veg out, meditate, and be in your own world, because there’s magic happening there. Too often, people think that you just get lost in la la land, but little do they know the wisdom germinating deep inside your consciousness. You’ll be proving this to your own self first and foremost during retrograde season, by not hiding your light from yourself, and by trusting yourself. 
With the Cancer new moon striking on the 6th, spend the weekend with people who give you butterflies, whether romantically or platonically. Your sector of fate, true love, and creativity is activated by this new moon, which means your romantic side is taking the lead and you just want to be loved on and adored. Write down what that specifically looks and feels like for you, and then release your expectations of how you’re “meant” to receive it. Let the cosmos surprise you with serendipitous connections or reconnections over the course of the next six months. 

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