Your Horoscope This Week: October 13 To 19

Illustration by Suchet Inuthai.
Cosmic beings, welcome to Pluto’s first full week direct in the sign of Capricorn. This is a pretty big deal, because after November 19, Pluto will leave Capricorn and not return until the year 2254. Pluto’s shift direct is the kick in the butt that all zodiac signs need, especially if we’ve fallen victim to complacency or laziness during the start of Jupiter’s retrograde. Get clear about what you’ve been procrastinating on, and break your most essential goals into manageable action items that you can hold yourself accountable for.
We’re also in a full moon week, with the Aries full moon striking on Thursday 17 at 7:26 a.m. This is the first full moon in two months that is not an eclipse, making it an ideal week to do a full moon release ritual. An effective one could be writing down all your fears, blockages, shadows, and insecurities on a piece of paper and burning them (in a safe environment) as a way to release what’s holding you back from your fullest potential. By the time Venus enters Sag later that day, we’re likely to be in a lighter and more optimistic space.
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, now that Mercury, the planet of communication, is spending its first full week in Scorpio, your sector of depth, psychology, and merging is activated for the next three weeks. To have both Venus and Mercury in this sector of your life is making you take yourself and life much more seriously than usual. This is intensified by the fact that Pluto, the planet of transformation, is now direct in Capricorn for the final time in our lifetime. You’ll feel a huge urge to amp up your career sector by getting clear about what really lights you up and also letting go of what drains you energetically.
The full moon in your sign strikes on the 17th, and you’ve been feeling this lunation loading for this entire month. A breakthrough is likely to occur when it comes to your own psychological wellbeing, and you may need to cut cords with people, situations, or mindsets that have kept you stuck these past six months. A brand new era is upon you, and your mission is to not fear the tremendous potential that’s brewing within you. Your time to shine is now.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, now that Mercury, the planet of communication, has joined your planetary ruler Venus, in the sign of Scorpio, your partnership and marriage sector is even more lit up. This intensifies your feelings of desire, sensuality, possessiveness, and passion for your romantic partners. It’s a great time to decide who you want to work with or spend time with this month. Just be careful, because power struggles are likely with all of this Scorpio energy in your partnership sector. Fortunately, now that Pluto is direct in your sector of expansion for the next month, you’re feeling inspired to step out of your comfort zone and take greater leaps of faith.
The Aries full moon on the 17th will activate your sector of spirituality and healing, and once your ruler Venus enters Sagittarius just a few hours later, your sector of resources will benefit from this four-week transit, making it an ideal time to work in collaboration with the right partner(s) who can help boost your projects to the next level. The key is to remain optimistic this week and shoot your shot.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, your planetary ruler, Mercury, spends its first full week in Scorpio, activating your sector of health, routine, and service. If you were previously feeling complacent or bored, Mercury in Scorpio will give you a boost of energetic momentum which can help you finish your projects strong, and also commit to an empowering and consistent health routine. However, you may let ego issues stand in your way during this transit, particularly now that Pluto’s direct in Capricorn and people around you are taking everything more seriously than you may be used to. The key is to indulge in moments of solitude and meditate on what your priorities are at this time.
The Aries full moon on the 17th is activating your sector of friendship and social networks. If you feel the sudden urge to break up or make up with a friend, make sure that you aren’t reacting impulsively, but that you’ve taken time to listen to what those involved have to say, and that you aren’t letting your pride lead the way.
Fortunately, with Venus entering your partnership sector of Sagittarius a few hours after the full moon, you’re more open to pleasant surprises and plot twists in your relationships. This will help you make amends with people and smooth over any ruffled feathers.

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, this week Pluto, the planet of transformation, is spending its first full week direct in Capricorn in your sector of partnerships. It’ll remain in this area for the next five weeks, which means you’re about to receive more clarity regarding which relationships are truly healthy and reciprocal for you and which ones you should leave behind in order to embark on a new level of evolution.
You’re a loyal, caring, and compassionate being, and the fact that Mercury, the planet of communication, spends its first full week in Scorpio activating your sector of fate, true love, and creativity indicates that you’re pouring so much love into others. Make sure that you don’t fall into the habit of overgiving. This is an ideal week for setting healthy boundaries with yourself and others.
The full moon in Aries on the 17th is exactly what you need to awaken to your own magic. No more playing small or hiding from the limelight. This full moon may make you uncomfortable by showing you how you’ve stayed within the confines of your comfort zone and forcing you to be brave enough to step out of it. Whatever ends this week is meant to end, Cancer. Make room for a vibrant fresh start.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, now that the solar eclipse in Libra has passed, you’re viewing Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn as an opportunity to get your life together. There’s no need to rush this process because Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is retrograde in Gemini and asking you to simplify what you tend to exert energetically. Now that Pluto is direct, fall in love with systems that help you feel efficient while also being rooted in your values. If you’ve spread yourself too thin during Libra season, this is a good week to check in with yourself and figure out how you can either delegate, or eliminate non-essentials from your to do list.
The Aries full moon on the 17th brings a charge of energy that helps you step into broader perspectives in terms of travel, media, publishing, and overall expansion. Whatever you set as intentions around the beginning of the astrological new year six months ago are likely to be unfolding around this full moon. The entrance of Venus into Sagittarius just a few hours after the full moon is a green light from the cosmos to take bolder initiatives toward plans that once seemed out of reach.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, with your planetary ruler Mercury spending its first full week in Scorpio, your communication skills are improving considerably. This is definitely the time to trust your instincts and pay attention to what your intuition’s telling you regarding where to direct your energy and who to share your plans with.
You tend to be a pretty reserved person in general, but Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn is making you even more discreet. Just make sure that you aren’t hiding your talents from those who are seeking what you have to offer. This is the time to toot your own horn in a mindful and graceful way. If there’s an application you have to submit, this is the time to go for it and highlight everything you’ve been working on these past few months or years.
The Aries full moon on the 17th strikes in your sector of outside resources and merging, which could lead to a breakthrough in a collaboration that’ll be profitable for all parties involved. Just make sure to read the fine print in any contracts or agreements, because you’re experiencing Jupiter retrograde in your fellow Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini, which means that if you try to rush the process of negotiation you could end up hitting a blind spot, which may derail you from your long-term goals.

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, you’ve made it through the solar eclipse in your sign, and now Pluto being direct in Capricorn is giving you a boost in productivity by encouraging you to not run away from the grunt work that’s necessary for you to reach your goals. You may be in a period that feels uncomfortable due to how much you expect of yourself and how much others expect of you. Take it all breath by breath and pace yourself.
With Venus, your planetary ruler, still in Scorpio, and Mercury, the planet of communication, joining Venus in Scorpio for the next three weeks, your sector of money and self-esteem is even more pronounced. If you make sure you do not take shortcuts, you’ll find the next few weeks incredibly rewarding. The issue though, is that you may end up getting easily distracted during the Aries full moon week. Partnerships and relationship drama may dominate your consciousness, so setting boundaries when people are requesting too much of your attention is essential.
On the 17th, a few hours after the full moon in Aries, Venus leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius for the next four weeks. Your sector of communication and creativity is lit up by Venus in Sag, which infuses light-hearted and playful energy into the cosmos. While it’s important for you to view life as one big adventure, you also want to make sure that the adventures you’re going on are aligned with what you actually want to be doing and not simply influenced by people around you.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, so much is changing in your inner and outer world as we approach Scorpio Season. With Mercury now in your sign for the next three weeks, you’ll notice that you have an magnetic effect on people and you can use this for productive purposes, especially if you have important pitches or proposals to make, jobs to apply to, or spiritual work to commit to. But also keep in mind that when Mercury is in your sign, your more stubborn, moody, and temperamental side may emerge, which could lead to power struggles with people close to you.
With the full moon in Aries taking place on the 17th, you’re feeling a blend of softness and warrior energy due to Mars, the planet that rules both Scorpio and Aries, currently traveling through Cancer. This is a good full moon to meditate near the water, and also to tend to your family’s needs while acknowledging the wounding of your inner child. If you’ve been in denial about aspects of your past that may have caused inner or outer blockages, this full moon will highlight them and give you the impetus needed to heal those wounds with greater ease than you may initially expect.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, this first full week of your planetary ruler, Jupiter, being retrograde in Gemini is likely to lead to people from the past emerging. You may also be feeling more nostalgic or sentimental about experiences you’ve traversed in years past. Mercury’s presence in Scorpio further accentuates your more introspective nature due to your sector of spirituality and healing being accentuated by this three-week transit. Instead of running away from your solitude, embrace it. There’s a lot for you to learn and process when you intentionally slow down and look inward.
On the 17th things switch up dramatically with the fiery full moon in Aries which activates your sector of fate, true love, and creativity. This full moon may lead to a romantic breakthrough where you have an epiphany regarding who you want to open your heart to and why. Breakups are also likely if things have been rocky in your closest relationships, so it’s essential for you to not let your pride or ego cause you to say things out of spite that you might later regret. This may be easier said than done though, because Venus entering your sign just a few hours after the full moon is making you even more impulsive and unpredictable than ever. Use this energy to heal, and not to harm.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, you’re feeling like a living legend these days, even more than usual. This is Pluto’s first full week direct in your sign, and the final five weeks where it will be in your sign during this lifetime. It may feel like you’re on the brink of completely revamping every aspect of your life. The key is to stay in the moment during this final stretch of Libra season and avoid needing to have every single aspect of your life mapped out down to the detail. This may be way easier said than done, though, because now that Mercury’s entered Scorpio, where it’ll remain for three weeks, you’ll be intensely focused on the details and not as much on the big picture.
The Aries full moon on the 17th serves as a contrast to this potent energy. It creates planetary friction with your Capricorn nature in order to remind you of the power of the present moment. If you’ve been overly focused on work or on proving others wrong, this moon will ask you to just chill and focus on yourself and what your inner child needs to have more fun and to feel more at peace. This full moon is ruled by Mars, which is currently in Cancer, so whatever you’re going through internally, you shouldn’t keep to yourself but rather find a safe and trusted comrade with whom you can heal in community.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, now that Pluto’s spending its first full week direct in Capricorn, you’re feeling more confident regarding your finances and what you can manifest in your life by the end of this year. The key is to commit to doing the work that you know will move the needle rather than getting caught up in busy work that gives you a false semblance of progress.
Having discernment regarding where you’re directing your energy is essential, especially now that Mercury is in Scorpio for the next three weeks. But be mindful of the way you speak to yourself and others during this transit, because it could lead to you coming off as cold or calculating, even if that’s not your intention.
The Aries full moon on the 17th helps lighten up the cosmos and activates your sector of communication, which infuses more laughter, excitement, and spontaneity into your life after a period of intense introspection. Then a few hours later, Venus enters Sagittarius and activates your sector of friendship and tech for the next four weeks, which means it’s a good time to be using digital spheres to promote your work and connect with new people. The more you let your weirdo flag fly freely, the better and more authentic the connections you make will be.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, this first week of Pluto being direct in Capricorn is helping you heal from moments when you felt misunderstood in your social life. If people were taking you for granted during Pluto’s five-month retrograde, don’t be surprised if they apologize or attempt to rectify their ways this week. With Mercury, the planet of communication, in your fellow water sign of Scorpio for the next three weeks, having discernment and a healthy sense of caution regarding who allow into your orbit is key to your spiritual and emotional wellbeing.
The Aries full moon on the 17th activates your sector of money and self-esteem and could lead to a financial windfall that you’ve been awaiting for most of this year landing in your lap. The key is to not be impulsive or spend the money without a plan… It’d actually be wiser for you to save or invest your money, Pisces. This full moon in your money sector is also about building your self- confidence. How can you better pour into yourself and find ways to celebrate everything you’ve achieved these past six months rather than being too hard on yourself or your toughest critic?

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