Your Horoscope This Week: October 20 To 26

Illustration by Suchet Inuthai.
Cosmic beings, this final stretch of Libra season is encouraging us to create greater harmony in our relationships, starting with the relationship we have with our own selves. As the week begins, ask yourself what your spirit needs to feel consistently grounded and at peace, especially now that we have made it through the supermoon in Aries. 
The sun shifts into Scorpio on the 22nd, where it will remain for the next four weeks. This infuses more magnetism, mystery and passion into all zodiac signs’ lives. Scorpio season is also likely to increase our personal and collective trust issues or feelings of skepticism, which could foster an even more tumultuous election season. View this as a reminder to get your voting plans in order if you haven’t already — the Scorpio energy in the air will influence us to vote in alignment with our deepest values. 
On the 24th, the quarter moon in Cancer asks us to take stock of what we’ve successfully released ever since last week’s Aries full moon. There’s likely more work to be done but we should be compassionate and kind to ourselves as we navigate the emotional roller coaster that this week’s Cancer moon may elicit. 
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, how are you feeling after the epic supermoon in your sign? This week should be filled with periods of rest and relaxation because you’ve been undergoing so many spiritual downloads due to Chiron in Aries being activated. Chiron is the asteroid of inner healing so this full moon most likely illuminated deep pain and trauma from your past that you may have neglected or denied. Now that the full moon is waning, this is the opportunity for you to figure out what your spirit needs to feel more empowered moving forward. 
The start of Scorpio season on the 22nd ignites a feeling of depth and sensuality within you, as your sector of outside resources is activated these next four weeks. You’ll be in the mood to merge with one or more people who aren’t afraid of your passion, but this also requires you to practice the art of vulnerability and allow people to truly see parts of you that you typically keep hidden. The last quarter moon in Cancer on the 24th will help facilitate this process. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, now that your planetary ruler, Venus, is in Sagittarius for the next three weeks, you’re encouraged to lighten up when it comes to your relationship needs. This is likely to be easier said than done since you’re still feeling the after effects of last week’s Aries supermoon, which highlighted your sector of spirituality. Passion is coursing through you and this week you’re seeking an outlet for everything brewing within your consciousness. Make sure to spend time outdoors, especially during the final days of Libra season, as this will soothe your nervous system. 
Once Scorpio season begins on the 22nd, your sector of partnership and marriage is lit up, so you shouldn’t be surprised if you suddenly feel a strong urge to hang out with a special person, or vice versa. However, you’ll also be feeling more cautious and reserved during this season, making this week an ideal time to journal about what’s really going on within you as well as what emotional support you may need from your closest connections. Ask and you shall receive.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, Venus, the planet of love, spends its first full week in Sagittarius, activating your sector of partnership and marriage. Combined with the final few days of Libra season, this will have you in a flirtatious and fun-spirited mood. However, once the sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd, your sector of routine, work, service and health is activated for the next four weeks. You’ll be taking yourself and your wellness journey more seriously, allowing you to quit unhealthy habits. 
The quarter moon in Cancer on the 24th activates your sector of money and security, which may lead to you having to face your financial reality and be honest about what’s positive about it as well as what’s not sustainable. With Jupiter currently retrograde in your sign for several more months, there’s a likelihood that you’ve fallen prey to overindulgence or a lack of effectively managing your resources. This week you’ll experience a wake-up call that encourages you to get your life together. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, Scorpio season begins this week and you may feel the urge to let your inner child take the lead by being more creative, free-spirited and fun. Do your best to remove overwhelming responsibilities from your calendar, even if it’s just for one week. You’re very much still feeling the aftereffects of the Aries supermoon, particularly since you’re ruled by the moon, so make sure to stay hydrated, well rested and practice the art of saying no to what you genuinely don’t want to be doing or who you’d rather not be around. 
The last quarter moon takes place in your sign on the 24th, which could lead to you feeling exhausted, moody, sexually frustrated or misunderstood. Try to journal your feelings or own up to them with a therapist so that you can have a healthy outlet for your feelings this Scorpio season while ensuring that you’re not bottling up everything inside. Chances are you just need more self-care time and deep rest, so gift yourself that. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, the final few days of Libra season are likely to have you feeling grateful for the friends in your life who genuinely have love for you. The Aries supermoon illuminated situations in your life that you’ve outgrown, and as we prepare to enter Scorpio season your values and deeper goals and objectives are becoming more clear to you, allowing you to better focus on your long-term visions. Just make sure to have more fun in the process of manifesting your dream life. Venus’ presence in Sagittarius can serve as an energetic boost during your visualization process. 
On the 24th, the Cancer quarter moon in your sector of spirituality and closure is likely to make you feel much more sensitive and introverted than you’re used to. Instead of trying to avoid the process of emotional exploration, get curious about the sentiments that exist within you, especially the ones you may not outwardly express. There’s a lot that you’re ready to release but in order to do so effectively, you can’t pretend you have it all together when you’re actually in need of much more support.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, last week’s supermoon in Aries allowed you to boss up on spiritual, physical and emotional levels. Your sector of depth, merging and outside resources was lit up by this lunation, and this week you’re likely to have greater confidence when pitching to investors, collaborators or people who can help you get to your goals with greater speed and ease. The key is to remain confident, even amid uncertainty, and don’t stand in your own way by sabotaging opportunities that the universe has curated especially for you. 
Scorpio season begins on the 22nd, activating your sector of communication and creativity for the next four weeks. The Cancer quarter moon on the 24th is an ideal time for you to assess where you’ve been doing the absolute most and find ways to delegate some of the responsibilities that you’ve stubbornly held on to. It’s time to let go and experience a lighter reality, especially now that Venus is in Sagittarius in your sector of roots and values. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, as the week begins, you’re meant to enjoy the final days of the sun being in your sign. Think back to the start of the month, when we experienced the new moon solar eclipse in Libra. You’ve gone through a metamorphosis and have profoundly transformed these past three weeks, to the point of perhaps not even recognizing yourself — in a good way. When the sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd, your focus shifts to your financial wellness as well as ways you can boost your self-esteem. 
Venus, your planetary ruler, is spending the next three weeks in Sagittarius, activating your sector of communication and creativity. This infuses much-needed spontaneity into your life and it’ll make your relationships easier to navigate. The key is to allow yourself to express your more blunt and outspoken opinions and emotions rather than getting stuck in a cycle of people-pleasing.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio season starts this week! It’s your time to shine. With the sun and Mercury both in your sign at the same time, you’re feeling empowered, sexy and focused on transforming yourself and your life for the better, but doing so from a sense of inner peace and profound ease. Say no to anything that feels too heavy or burdensome, Scorpio. As you experience your solar return these next few weeks, allow yourself to be unapologetically selfish. 
With Venus spending its first full week in Sagittarius, your sector of money and security is activated. This is a great time to find innovative and fun ways to increase your revenue but be careful because your spending might also increase simultaneously. You benefit from connecting with trusted money mentors or joining a program that holds you accountable for the wealth that you want to build, invest and maintain. The key is to be kind to yourself during this period of reconditioning rather than being your toughest critic. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sagittarius, how are you feeling now that Venus, the planet of love, is in your sign for the next three weeks? This transit is giving you a preview of what Sagittarius season will feel like in about one month. It’s encouraging you to say yes to whatever makes you feel free and filled with passion. If you’ve been wanting to speak your mind in your closest relationships, or just share your opinions with the world at large, Venus’ fiery transit in Sagittarius allows you to express yourself more boldly. 
However, we’re also experiencing the sun’s entrance into Scorpio this week, which activates your sector of closure, healing and spirituality. If you feel a contrast between the part of you that wants to emerge and shine, and the other part of you that just wants to be a hermit, find ways to honor these contradictions and integrate them into yourself, perhaps by cultivating a healthy routine that allows you to feel balanced and not stretched in several directions.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, as Libra season comes to an end, you’re reflecting on ways that you can infuse more flexibility and open-mindedness into your life. But the sun’s entrance into Scorpio on the 22nd could easily have you feeling possessive of your friendships and closest connections since your sector of social networks will be activated for the next four weeks. Your mission is to find a middle ground between your fiercely loyal side and the part of you that’d benefit from mastering healthy emotional detachment. Venus now being in Sagittarius in your sector of spirituality will help you learn to let go with love. 
Meanwhile, on the 24th, the quarter moon in Cancer provides you with the opportunity to reflect on the dynamics of your closest relationships, particularly the romantic ones. What do you feel like you still have to release ever since last week’s Aries full moon? Perhaps it’s certain patterns of behavior that do you more harm than good, or perhaps it’s what you’ve accepted in other people’s behavior that you’re now ready to nip in the bud. Radical honesty with yourself and your partner(s) is advised, even if it initially makes either or all of you uncomfortable. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, in one month, Pluto, the planet of transformation, will re-enter your sign and remain there for the next two decades. You can very much feel this shift in the air, and it’s affecting the way you’re moving through life. As Scorpio season begins this week, you’re likely to be reimagining your ideal career path, making this an excellent time to brainstorm your one-year, three-year or five-year plan. Venus’ presence in Sagittarius in your sector of friendship and social networks is encouraging you to maintain a flexible mindset as you plot your next moves.
On the 24th, the quarter moon in Cancer highlights your sector of routine, wellness and service. You may feel burnt out or exhausted around this time, which is an indication that you may have taken on way too many responsibilities at once. Please keep in mind that Jupiter, the planet of luck, is retrograde in your fellow air sign of Gemini for the rest of the year, therefore you’d benefit from slowing down considerably instead of feeling an incessant urge to speed up. What are you rushing for anyway?

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, last week’s supermoon in Aries has reminded you of your power. You’re stepping out of a victim-based reality and embracing your ability to rise from your ashes, especially as we approach the end of Saturn’s retrograde in your sign, which will occur on November 15. Things have felt more challenging in your life than you may outwardly show, but once Scorpio season begins on the 24th, your sector of expansion and exploration is activated, allowing you to be more social and adventurous, while also being selective with whom you share your energy. 
The quarter moon in Cancer on the 24th is likely to have you feeling like you’re at a crossroads regarding what you’d like to experience romantically and creatively. If you’ve been feeling stuck or uninspired in these areas of your life, you’re encouraged to get to the root of where that frustration derives from. The excavating and illuminating energy of Scorpio season will serve as a guiding light on this journey of revelation.

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