Your Horoscope This Week: October 6 To 12

Illustration by Suchet Inuthai.
We did it, cosmic beings! We made it through the eclipse. Well, kinda. We technically are still in the post-shadow of the eclipses up until October 17, when the full moon in Aries will close out this eclipse cycle. However, after last week’s new moon solar eclipse in Libra, you have really made it through the most transformative part of this month, and our lives will continue to feel the influence of the Libra eclipse for the six months to come. 
You may have had to close the chapter on relationships that once seemed secure; alternatively, it’s also possible that you better defined what you wanted and now feel even more deeply connected than before. Epiphanies and awakenings about who you really are and who you really want around you are likely to have pervaded the collective consciousness. And this week is now about taking time to integrate all of this intense change we’ve been experiencing. 
The highlight of this week is the fact that Pluto, the planet of transformation, ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 11. Pluto will only be in Capricorn until November 19 and then it will re-enter Aquarius for a 20-year stay. This means that this month of Pluto being direct in Capricorn will feel like we have been given an opportunity to finish projects that we have had on our minds or have dreamt of ever since 2008. 
This is especially so as Jupiter begins its retrograde in Gemini on October 9, and since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, we have a blank slate with which we can recreate ourselves and catalyze our dreams into existence, as long as we pace ourselves and do not take on too much at once.
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, give yourself grace this week. Last week’s solar eclipse in Libra completely radicalized your relationships, and you’re most likely still adjusting to the ones that dramatically ended, as well as the ones that were solidified in your heart. You know who you can count on, and you know who you must peacefully release. Many changes will continue to occur in this area of your life over the course of the next six months. And keep in mind that you’ll be experiencing a solar eclipse in your sign during Aries season 2025, so remaining present with the shifts is the only way you’ll learn and integrate what the cosmos has been trying to teach you. But trust that you’ve made it through the toughest part of the year and brighter days are ahead.
With Pluto ending its retrograde in Capricorn this week on the 11th, you’ll be feeling more focused, driven and productive. But be careful, because this could lead to you becoming a workaholic, and with Chiron, the asteroid of inner healing, currently retrograde in your sign for several months, the universe wants you to pace yourself and work at a slower yet sustainable and consistent pace. Identify what your passion projects are and create a realistic timeline for bringing them to life, without pressuring yourself to get it all done at once.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

How are you feeling, Taurus? Now that the solar eclipse in Libra has struck, chances are you’ve been cultivating greater harmony and equilibrium in your life and in your relationships. However, with Venus, your planetary ruler, still in Scorpio until the 17th, this can feel a bit contradictory because there’s a part of you that wants to control your relationships and may fear losing what you’ve poured so much love into. Accept the fact that you’re filled with contradictions and learn to find humor in your more possessive moments. But also know that this is a good time to practice the art of healthy detachment as much as you can. 
Jupiter is now retrograde in your money sector, which could make you feel a bit more frugal or sensitive about your finances. However, since Pluto, the planet of transformation, will end its retrograde in your fellow Earth sign of Capricorn on the 11th, so many new opportunities will be coming your way because your sector of expansion, long journeys, publishing, media and growth is activated by Pluto being in Capricorn for the final time in our lifetime. Sometimes you have to slow down to speed up and that’s what both Jupiter and Pluto want you to do.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, now that you’ve made it through the solar eclipse in Libra, it’s essential for you to take time to meditate on what you want to achieve for the rest of this year. With Jupiter retrograde in your sign, starting October 9 for the next four months, it’s an ideal time to wrap up projects that you’ve procrastinated on and also to let go of projects that you no longer feel called to do. Be very honest with yourself about this. 
Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on the 11th in your sector of depth and outside resources, which indicates that major money-making opportunities are around the corner, but you have to be willing to be disciplined and focused on your objectives in order to manifest them. Use Venus’ presence in Scorpio until October 17 to clarify what routines can help you be more efficient, and also be willing to delegate tasks so that you’re not multitasking and juggling way too much at once.

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, congratulations! You’ve made it through the final eclipse of 2024. You'll definitely be feeling the after-effects of the solar eclipse in Libra up until the full moon in Aries, so technically the season is not fully over yet. You’re most likely feeling like you’ve made it to the other side of a very tumultuous ride. And now that Pluto is ending its retrograde in Capricorn in your sector of partnerships and marriage on the 11th, you’ll have more clarity on who you can really trust and why. However, it’s likely to also be very clear who you can no longer trust and why, and that revelation will feel painful.
Jupiter beginning its retrograde in your spirituality sector on the 9th is enhancing your powers of prophecy and intuition so no matter what, make sure you’re not second-guessing yourself when it comes to what your subconscious is telling you this week. Trust the signs that are coming through in your dreams — your third eye can see more than your physical eyes are willing to see.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, you’ve been fully transformed from the inside out by last week’s solar eclipse in Libra, which activated your communication sector. If you felt like you could not think or speak clearly just a few months back when Mercury was retrograde in your sign, you most likely have done a complete 180. Now you not only clearly let people know what your own needs and boundaries are, but you hold space and have compassion, patience and empathy for the needs and boundaries of others. This is a beautiful look for you and it’s going to bring great karma your way in the coming months and years. 
With Pluto ending its retrograde in Capricorn on the 11th, your sector of work and service is activated and you may suddenly feel much more motivation and drive in these areas of your life. This is a wonderful week for starting a new workout routine, job searching or if you’re an entrepreneur, you may want to plan out your Q4 calendar — you’ll have a lot more fun and dedication pursuing your long-term goals than you did earlier this year. Enjoy this rebirth.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, how are you feeling? Truly sit with this question, Virgo. Too often, you’re asking others how they’re feeling and what you can do to make their life easier, you’re taking their needs into account, you’re praying for them without them even knowing you are, and this can lead to people taking your generosity and kindness for granted. So take a break now that this eclipse has struck in your sector of self-esteem and security, and prioritize yourself and your emotions. This is an ideal week for journalling and really letting out the truth about the shadows and the light that exist within you. It’s okay to not be okay. So please take a break from acting as if everything is okay when actually you may be going through a breakdown. 
The good news is you’ll be breaking through to a completely new dimension in the months to come. I want you to know that next year there will be a series of eclipses in your sign that will forever transform the way you look at yourself in the world in which you’re living. This may mean that now that Pluto, the planet of transformation, is no longer retrograde in Capricorn, you’re setting boundaries and completely switching up the way you relate to yourself and others, which could lead to people saying you’re acting “brand-new”. Actually you’re simply surrendering to your metamorphosis.

Libra Sun & Rising:

Congratulations, Libra! You’ve made it through a major retrograde in Capricorn and you’ve also made it through the solar eclipse in your sign, which is the final eclipse in Libra that we’ll experience for the next nine years. The past two years have tested you in ways beyond words. Now that we’re in the final stretch of the South Node’s transit through your sign, you may feel like a chicken that’s about to hatch from an egg. Take time with this hatching process.
Jupiter retrograde begins on the 9th in your fellow air sign of Gemini, and it’s encouraging you to be discerning of who you share your problems with and why. Yes, you tend to be a social butterfly who seems to want the best for others, but not everyone has the best intentions. This has been revealed to you these past two years with the series of Libra-Aries eclipses. And it’s likely that it’s been revealed that you may have haters around you that you need to be aware of. Protect your energy this week and stop people-pleasing — focus on pleasing the inner depths of your own spirit first and foremost.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, this week celebrate the way you’re no longer tolerating what you once viewed as a norm in your relationships. The solar eclipse in Libra that struck last week in your sector of spirituality and healing completely showed you that you’ve overly extended yourself for others and sacrificed your own wellbeing to keep the peace. But this is no longer compatible with who you want to be in the next iteration of your life, and because your ruler Pluto is going to be direct in Capricorn on the 11th in your sector of communication, it’s abundantly clear that it’s time for you to let go of your old ways and make room for an enhanced version of yourself that lives in alignment with your own values. 
With Jupiter, the planet of luck, beginning its retrograde on the 9th in your sector of outside resources, be very careful about who you enter collaborations with this week and in the four months to come. You may notice that people from your past are circling back into your life but…why? Truly, ask yourself if they’re coming back around because they know that you’re about to achieve a milestone and they want to be around you in order to reap some of the rewards that you hustled for. That’s not about to happen. It’s time to set your boundaries and stop letting your sensitivity and compassion blind you to situations that could actually harm you. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sagittarius, with your ruler, Jupiter, beginning its retrograde in Gemini on the 9th, you may need to slow your roll when it comes to your dating life, and if you’re already in a relationship, you may suddenly seek a bit more space and time with your own self. This is also an ideal week to take stock of the projects that you have on your plate and figure out which ones are the ultimate priority and which ones can wait until 2025 for you to truly commit to. It’s also a great week for eliminating responsibilities that drain you and saying no to “opportunities” that are not aligned with your long-term goals
Pluto, the planet of transformation, ends its retrograde in Capricorn on the 11th in your sector of money and security. This is a welcome shift because money may have been tight these past five months during Pluto retrograde and, since this is the final time that Pluto will be in your money sector in our lifetime, the next month is one of the best periods for focusing on cultivating your financial health and completely reconfiguring the way you spend money, invest money, save money and make money. It might be wise to speak with a financial advisor or join a community that can help you stay accountable for the growth you want to see.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Congratulations, Capricorn! You’ve made it through Pluto’s five-month retrograde through your sign and it’ll be the final time that Pluto will be retrograde in your sign or in your sign at all: on November 19 it leaves your sign and enters Aquarius for the next 20 years. This is bittersweet because ever since 2008, Pluto has been transforming the way you see yourself, and the way the world sees you. It’s helped you establish yourself as an authority, and this final retrograde has been an opportunity for you to switch up your more rigid mindset and open up to more innovative ways of looking at the world. You may feel like a completely different person than you were five months ago. Celebrate your growth. 
Meanwhile, with Jupiter, the planet of luck, retrograde in Gemini this week, your sector of health, service and routine is lit up and it’s likely you’ll realize that you’ve been doing the most at work. Even if you have bills to pay, responsibilities to uphold or if your mental health is not the way it needs to be, is it even worth it? Perhaps there are ways you can downsize, delegate or simply ask for greater support from others instead of being the rock that’s always taking care of everyone. Choose yourself first.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, this week is all about being more aware of your own insecurities and ways that you may have been denying them. Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on the 11th and this is activating your sector of spirituality and healing. You may be thinking back about the past five months of this retrograde and the shadows, fears and blockages that may have kept you paralyzed instead of hyped up about your limitless potential. On November 19, Pluto will re-enter your sign and remain there for the next two decades, and you’ll really feel like a galactic superhero. 
But for now, continue to tend to your shadow with grace, and know that the more you’re honest about what really hurts you and where you need to heal, the fewer wounds you’ll have. Meanwhile, with Jupiter beginning its retrograde in Gemini on the 9th, find ways to infuse more fun and play into your everyday life. Tend to your inner child by picking up activities that you enjoyed in your youth. Consider taking an improv class or signing up for surfing lessons, or other out-of-the-box adventures that get you out of your head and into your body.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, now that the Libra eclipse has struck in your sector of depth and outside resources, you’re becoming more aware of your worth. This is on an internal level first and foremost. With Pluto, the planet of transformation, no longer being retrograde in Capricorn starting the 11th, you’re able to create a more solid foundation for yourself by simplifying your responsibilities and allowing yourself to switch up what you’ve been known for and show up as a renewed and more empowered version of yourself.
This is a season where regeneration and radical recreation are strongly speaking to you, especially because Jupiter begins its retrograde in Gemini starting October 9, and Jupiter is one of your ruling planets. Take time to journal about where you want to direct your energy for the rest of this year because Jupiter in Gemini and its retrograde will present you with more than one path towards expansion and self-liberation.

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