While the rest of the world went gaga for Apple's iPad, camping outside Apple stores days before its release, we were more concerned with which cover we were going to get. When Oscar de la Renta's iPad clutch appeared on the scene, we swooned but also nearly passed out when we saw the price tag. So, we've decided to flex our DIY skills and asked our dear DIY friend Erica Domesek of P.S. I Made This to cook up a wallet-friendly take on this chic gadget accessory. Made from an inflatable pillow purchased for $0.99, our clutch is a little de la Renta, a little Goyard, and exactly what we had been craving.
1. Deflate and remove the pillow
2. Create racing stripes à la Goyard with Gorilla tape and other colorful electrical tapes
3. Pack up your iPad and you're good to go!