This Site Tells You The Weather And What To Wear (Mom, Is That You?)

Ah, weather, you fickle, fickle friend. In one moment, you're warm and light-coat appropriate; in the next, that 40% chance of rain proved 100% off the mark, so we're forced to buy bottom-bin wellies on our lunch break. There's also the numbers game: 10-mile visibility, 30.01 inches pressure, 50 degrees, which really feels like 42...what's with all the clouds smoke and mirrors? Just give it to us straight: Do we wear a scarf or not?
Too many impromptu torrential downpours later, and finally the jig is up with the new website Wevther. Tired of all those "mostly-sunny" ambiguous reports, this site puts together cute ensembles keyed perfectly to the forecast. Plus, if you like the weather-appropriate look they suggest, just click and you're directed right to its e-commerce site. (Or if you don't, simply hit refresh for more options.) With Wevther, you may never leave the house unprepared again and have to ruin yet another pair of suede (non-waterproof) boots.

Photo: Via Wevther

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