Nina Christensen, Editorial Intern
What I'm Wearing: "I'm wearing a denim shirt from Old Navy (from 2003, I never throw anything out!), red jeans from a market in Bangkok (you're not allowed to try anything on, but for $6 a pair, I was willing to risk it), Steve Madden boots, H&M jacket, Deena & Ozzy bag, and a bracelet that I just bought from an artist driven boutique (Olive & Tweed) in Utah."
On The First Day Of Hot Weather You'll Find Me: "I've been waiting for a warm enough day to bike around Roosevelt Island. The skyline views of the city never get old for me."
My Styling Tip These Days: "I'm always more drawn to menswear like blazers and combat boots, so I try to include one thing to make my look more feminine, whether it's braided hair or bright colors."
3 Things That Are Always In My Fridge: "Brita Water, leftovers, and eggs. I love eggs cooked every way, and if I'm not careful I could probably finish a carton a day. I should probably get my cholesterol checked."