Annie Georgia Greenberg, New York Editor
What I'm Wearing: "I got the skirt at a thrift store in Chicago, and it's one of my most prized possessions because I can wear it basically anywhere in any season. Also, it was like $8. Come to think of it, the belt was thrifted too— I took it off a dress from Salvation Army. The librarian top is from Zara, boots from Dolce Vita, jacket is Mackage for Aritzia (go Canada!), and the bag is from Duo, one of my favorite local shops in the East Village."
Morning Coffee Order: "I'm becoming bffs with the crew at Think coffee, but I just get a large cup o' joe with some skim milk and Splenda... I'm also a sucker for those press Cappuccino machines that have more sugar and calories than caffeine."
Dream Halloween Costume: "I've had a vision of a bunch of my girlfriends and I being a really highly produced mariachi band, complete with oversized mustaches and undersized guitars— I've always wanted to be a musician, and isn't fake facial hair what Halloween is all about?"
What I Love Most About Fall: "It used to be shopping for school supplies, but now that that's a thing of the past (although I could still go wild in a Staples if you let me), I love the jackets, oversized sweaters, and of course, the crunchy leaves, which I go out of my way to step on."