Piera Gelardi, Creative Director
What I'm Wearing: "An old silk Fremont dress, vintage bag, bolo tie, and boots, a Madewell vest, and Karen Walker sunglasses. The totem pole bolo is really special—our EIC, Christene, thrifted it for me and it reminds me of a fashion phase my dad was in when I was a kid where he exclusively wore washed silk shirts, bolo ties, jeans, and big decorative belt buckles. Awesome. Fun Fact! The bolo tie is the official state neckwear of New Mexico and the official tie of Texas...did you know states had official accessories?"
My Warm-Weather Beauty Buy: "My favorites at the moment are this amazing purplish-fuchsia Illamasqua lip shade called Atomic and Stila's new One-Step Bronzer since I like to look like I've gotten a little touch of sun even though I'm too fair to dare."
On My To-Do List: "Buy white jeans, get a haircut (!!), and get my iron up so I can give blood. If I get into the work to-dos, my brain may explode!"
Weekend Plan: "I'm mixing work with play...heading to my home state of Maine for the Abstract Design Conference and then making a weekend out of it. Croquet, cocktails, and cold ocean are all in my future..."