Sherry Wang, Design Intern
What I'm Wearing: "My coat is Eryn Brinie via Gilt. Plaid button down from the 90s stolen out of my mom's closet. Sleeveless sweater dress from the Theory outlet. Gap tights. G.H. Bass boots. Bolt necklace from Club Monaco-- you can wear it as one long strand or doubled up like I have it today!"
The Vacation I'm Dying To Have: "Maybe Buenos Aires, Argentina? Someplace sunny where food is cheap and tasty."
What's On My iPod: "I really like the How Stuff Works "Stuff you should know" podcast. As for music, I haven't really saved any songs to my iPhone yet, but I've been listening to the Lykke Li Pandora station when commuting."
3 Things On My Bedside Table: "My glasses, a stack of receipts I really need to organize, and a lot of mugs. I always forget to bring cups back downstairs after I finish my drink and they accumulate."