Isabel Cafaro, Editorial Intern
What I'm Wearing: "The Sweater and tights are from H&M, the shorts are from Forever 21, and my boots are from a random store near my apartment in Chelsea (don't know its name — sorry!)."
My New Year's Resolution: "To eat healthier! More leafy greens, no carbs with protein, fewer sweets, and no more junk food. I know it's only been a week into the new year, but so far, so good."
My first big purchase in 2012: "I was curious and went to check out Joe Fresh, since it's sold in grocery stores where I'm from in Canada. I ended up buying an entire outfit! They have a lot of cute things and they're great for basics."
The one movie I can watch endlessly on repeat: "I'm a huge film buff, so this is a really hard question to answer! But, I have to say I can watch Frida over and over. I love the art, the costumes, and the music — and Julie Taymor is one of my favorite directors."