What We’re Wearing: Kat And Her Post-Oklahoma Bison Safari Outfit

Kat George, Editorial Intern
What I'm wearing: "Pom-pom cardigan by Lonely Hearts, thrifted shirt, leather shorts by Topshop, boots by Dr Martens, gloves by Country Road, bag by Sportsgirl, and a beanie by Forever21."
What's my next shopping purchase: "I really want red jeans. I think I saw Anna Dello Russo in red pants and the image is now printed on my subconscious. She's batshit crazy and I love her."
What I'm having for lunch today: "Grandma's recipe lentil soup. When I get homesick I cook all the things my mum and my grandma cooked when I was growing up- it's a food cuddle!"
The weirdest thing in my bag: "I have a business card from the Mayor of Barnsdall, Oklahoma. I recently went on an adventure to rural Oklahoma and ended up in this one horse town after going on safari with bison—long story. Anyway we ended up in this quiet bar drinking $2 beers with some of the locals and as it turned out the bartender/owner was the Mayor... We had our photo taken with him and everything. Talk about celebrity spotting!"

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