Kristian Laliberte, NY Editor
What I'm Wearing: "I've been obsessed with Dockers' slim khakis and waders—their new team, including h-o-t bachelor Shaun Lee Lewis, is killing it in their rebranding. The coat is a Gucci shearling I got back in '03 before Tom Ford left...it's insanely warm. The cardigan is Vince, the shirt and tie are Club Monaco, and the boots are from my fave brand, J Shoes (on sale now for, like, $100!)."
Have I Been Sticking To My New Year's Resolution?: "Well, I went to the gym this morning at 6:45 a.m, and I had a Dannon Light and Fit for breakfast—so far so good. Not gonna lie though, my stomach is trying to eat itself right now. Pray for me."
My Snowy-Day Guilty Pleasure: "Hot chocolate from MarieBelle in SoHo, watching old episodes of Poirot on Youtube...I'd like to say I've been sledding but that would be a lie."
Favorite Gift I Got: "My parents got me a MacBook pro, with Photoshop! Now I can saturate all my Facebook photos...oh, yea, and do more work from home."
Photo taken on the Panasonic Lumix DF1, special thanks to Panasonic.