Piera Gelardi, Creative Director
What I'm Wearing: "I just realized that in every photo for this column, I've been wearing shorts. I think I may be developing a problem. These particular shorts are Karen Walker and I'm wearing them with a Stetson hat from Madewell, an Urban Outfitters blanket cape, a vintage button-up shirt (found by Christene), a Talon necklace, an H&M purse, and Robert Clergerie shoes."
Have I Been Sticking To My New Year's Resolution?: "Yep! Day 4 and so far, so good. I did my good deed of the day (sent thank-you postcards to the fam) and practiced my German on the subway."
My Snowy-Day Guilty Pleasure: "Not getting out of bed."
Favorite Gift I Got: "Tickets to Mexico in March from the hub-ster. Just when all the charm of the winter months in NYC have worn off, I can look forward to sunny Baja. I'm a lucky lady!"
Photo taken on the Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1, special thanks to Panasonic.